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With 4shared Desktop you easily access and manage files and folders in your 4shared online storage account. The free version offers no less than 10GB of space - plenty to backup your photos, documents, music or any other files. If you aren’t having an account you can create one and immediately use it when starting 4shared Desktop the first time. Close resemblance of the Windows Explorer User Interface makes it easy to browse your data, create folders and download or upload files from and to your account. Sharing your content with others is done simply through setting sharing permissions, including password protection, for either one or multiple items. 4shared desktop supports automatic synchronisation among all your computers running the program so your data is up to date from wherever you access it. The settings menu allows you to control numerous download and upload parameters, for example bandwidth and number of parallel jobs.
4shared desktop has the benefit of looking just like the web app, so users will be totally familiar with the layout. It also uses a fairly standard Windows-style layout, with a traditional file tree so it's easy to organize your files. File sharing services like DropBox and Megaupload help you get around this problem by letting you store your media virtually (“in the cloud”), sharing it on Twitter, Facebook or your blog or just giving your friends access if you choose. 4Shared is another one of these services.
The advantage of this desktop version of 4shared is that big uploads tend be smoother. You can't accidentally close this app like you can a browser window either, so if you use 4shared a lot it's pretty useful.
Download 4shared 3.3.5
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Sunday, 4 November 2012 -
File Transfer, Online Storage, Utilities, Windows -
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